Best Chat Transcript Awards

  • What are the Best Chat Transcript Awards?
  • What is the purpose of this award?
  • What can my library gain from reviewing these transcripts?


The Best Chat Transcript Awards is a review of nominated transcripts conducted by consortium librarians on behalf of the ResearchHelpNow queue from the previous school year.

  • Nominations come from managers of subscribed schools' chat managers; transcripts are anonymized and blind-peer reviewed by 2 reviewers each. 
  • Nominees are chosen that model excellence in chat service.
  • The reviewers are also chat operators in the system; the awards committee chair assures that reviewers do not review their own school's operators or nominations.
  • The committee uses a standardized rubric to assure fairness in judging; rubric can be viewed online.


•Honor excellent work
•Celebrate collective and individual success
•Review for overall quality by chat operators
•Review of best chat practices – training tool
Benefits of Review:
  • Assure quality amongst operators in the system.
  • Use as a training tool for new operators in the system - see how excellent chats are conducted.
  • Refresher tool for seasoned operators.
  • Anonymized transcripts are helpful for showing administrators the return on investment re: quality and service.

For current examples, see this year's presentation files attached to this FAQ. Includes examples of anonymized transcripts as seen by our judges.

  • Last Updated May 19, 2021
  • Views 249
  • Answered By Elizabeth Walker-Papke

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RHN Administrators:

Sandy McCarthy, Washtenaw Community College
Sara Memmott, Eastern Michigan University 
Elizabeth Walker-Papke, Cleary University
Suzanne Bernsten, Lansing Community College