Privacy Policy


Information collected about any individual using Research Help Now stays in the system for 90 days and then is stripped from the records. Such information will not be sold, published, or shared with any other party.

Below is what we request and how it is used:

  • Name: Your name is used by the software to identify you during a session for communication. While a name is required, it does not have to be your full or real name.
  • Email address: An email address is not required to use this service. If one is given, it may be used to:
    • Send a transcript of the session to you for your records and as a reminder of any resources provided during the session
    • Send a scanned document at a later time
    • Follow up on an incomplete session
  • Phone number: A phone number is not required. If one is provided, it will only be used by the librarian to contact you during your session or as part of follow up.
  • Transcripts: of your session may be kept and used by librarians to:
    • Follow up on an incomplete session
    • Email to the user as a record of the session and a reminder of any resources provided during the session
    • Identify user IPs for troubleshooting
    • Monitor and improve the overall quality of service
    • Collect statistical data for reporting on the number of requests received, the number of requests completed, and the average length of sessions.
    Research Help Now keeps the transcripts and makes them available for quality control, training, and research purposes. Patron information is stripped from session transcripts before they are saved to the system. If you have selected the anonymous user option, the librarian will see the information you entered on the form, but personal information is purged as soon as the session has been ended.
  • Last Updated Nov 13, 2020
  • Views 104
  • Answered By Sandy McCarthy

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Contact Us

RHN Administrators:

Sandy McCarthy, Washtenaw Community College
Sara Memmott, Eastern Michigan University 
Elizabeth Walker-Papke, Cleary University
Suzanne Bernsten, Lansing Community College